Mission Statement
The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Congregation of Jesus work in collaboration at the United Nations where our goal is to promote a more humane, just and sustainable world.
Our NGO focus is mainly on Women and Children within the context of Social Development, Sustainable Development and Human Rights. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a powerful tool in mobilizing our energies in education, awareness raising and advocacy and provide a cohesive framework for our efforts. Specific areas of involvement are:
- The Eradication of Poverty
- Gender Equality -focus on Girls.
- Access to quality education and health,
- Trafficking of human persons
- Financing for Development
- Environment
- Global Citizenship
All of which are in alignment with the GC14 Calls and Laudato Si.
Please find here more on our commitment on the SDGs
Aim 1: Develop and enhance an active IBVM/CJ presence at the UN through ECOSOC and DGC
- Maintain ECOSOC status by fulfilling all UN requirements
- As a member of ECOSOC initiate and submit statements to UN bodies
- Continue to attend UN Briefings, Commissions, High Level Panels, and other relevant activities.
- Continue to sponsor and co-sponsor side events
- Explore possibilities of inviting people directly affected to speak at events
- Hold membership in relevant NGO committees
- Collaborate with NGO community on shared concerns and issues
- Highlight our on-ground experience and expertise in our identified priority areas
- Develop a work plan that includes the above items
Aim 2: Develop and enhance IBVM/CJ network engagement with UN processes
- Engage network members in UN processes and related activities
- Develop and enhance support structure at province/country level
- Invite and encourage immersion experiences for IBVM/ CJ members and colleagues.
- Invite members to DPI Conference and UN Commissions
- Encourage online participation on processes organized for civil society around the Sustainable Development Agenda.
- Encourage feedback of on-ground experience and issues worthy of UN attention
- Encourage profile-raising activities by members and collaborators within Provinces and countries
Interns and Advocates
- Provide opportunities for Internships
- Encourage Youth Engagement
- Encourage network to receive and benefit from the experience of interns on returning home
Aim 3: Communicate with Network about IBVM UN NGO
- Send UN Updates regularly for the purpose of educating of IBVM community and its global networks about the work of the UN in addressing systemic change
- Maintain and enhance the Website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and consider other social media possibilities.
- Develop a well-coordinated streamlined multi communication/working system to include all interest groups within the wider IBVM network
- Encourage members and collaborators to use communication platforms to educate, raise awareness and advocate within countries
- Provide multimedia information on UN Processes and activities
- Prepare brochures in collaboration with network addressed to Schools
- Prepare Brochures in collaboration with network targeting Adults, associates and alumni.
Aim 4: Develop and review the role of the UN Advisory Committee.
Consolidate the role of the UN Advisory Committee and establish subcommittees as necessary with possibility of co-opted expertise in relation to:
Supporting and advising the UN Representative
- Staying abreast of significant justice issues and NGO activities through information shared
- Supporting ongoing networking and advocacy.
- Offering or sourcing professional development resources
- Addressing specific areas of concern that may arise within the overall UN NGO structure
Assisting with the development of strategies to enhance the effectiveness of the UN presence.
- Clarify desired outcomes for the year and set key performance Indicators.
- Approve an annual work plan in which priorities are identified;
- Exploring possible funding sources to implement key strategies and activities
Monitoring the progress of the NGO presence at the UN
- Monitor implementation of the strategic plan annually.
- Receive and review quarterly reports from the UN representative(s)
- Meet regularly with the IBVM UNNGO Representative(s)
- Review feed-back from all Province/interest groups
Please find here links to some of our UN Office Endorsed Statements:
b) http://ibvmunngo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/CartaAbiertaSobreISDSYCOVID_Junio2020.pdf
f) http://ibvmunngo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/World-Refugee-Day-2020-FBO-statement.pdf