JPIC has continued to influence decision making for the two congregations and no doubt it has been a significant consideration at the General Congregations. It has formed part of the key statements, directions and calls.
The following Five Calls relate to JPIC
Call 1: Reclaim the freshness of the Gospel, allowing Jesus to transform our lives.
Call 2: Bring those forced to live in poverty to the centre of our life and ministry.
Call 3. Go where the need is greatest.
Call 4: Live sustainably discerning what is enough.
Call 5: Create the oneness that moves us across boundaries.
As companions of Jesus in mission, we are called to be women of hope in order to bring hope. In a world wounded by the scandal of injustice we affirm that God’s creation belongs to everyone. Mary Ward invites us to go beyond our limits to where the need is greater, living the Just Soul virtues of freedom, justice and sincerity.
Guided by discerning love we hear ever more clearly the cry of the poor and of the suffering earth. We commit ourselves to bringing this vision to reality through the following calls:
Nb. 2 Universal Mission: Our priorities lie in serving the greater need wherever and however this is found. Urgent global challenges call for a response that takes us beyond familiar frontiers. Difficult decisions in prioritizing mission may be necessary, bearing in mind the consequences for people and established ministries.
Nb. 5. Justice and Peace: We call for a strengthening of our commitment to justice as an integral part of being disciples of Jesus and of sharing Mary Ward’s Just Soul vision. Being poor with Jesus commits us both to fighting poverty and injustice and to sharing his poverty alongside the poor. Women and children are always poverty’s primary victims and our historical commitment to their care urges us to seek new ways to respond to modern forms of oppression, such as human trafficking. We encourage all sisters to engage structurally at local, international and NGO level for networking, sharing resources and concrete actions.
Nb. 6 Ecology: As members of the Congregatio Jesu we are called to serve God our Creator who is present in all creatures and throughout the cosmos (Sp.Exx. 60/234/316). We commit ourselves to being actively responsible for the care and protection of the whole of creation for today and tomorrow. Through the witness of our lives, we strive to be models of eco-sustainability, mindful of those most adversely affected by eco-injustice.
Nb. 7. Inter-religious dialogue: The world is full of people of faith seeking God by many paths. Though mindful of painful conflicts in religious guise we approach other believers as fellow pilgrims, concerned to meet them in respectful dialogue in order to reach a truth which is always beyond us.