Laudato si’ week 2023

We are happy to share with you the 2023 resource booklet for the Laudato Si’ week. As we do every year we asked members and friends from different countries to reflect with us how hope is the driving force underpinning our actions to help heal the Earth and Humanity.
But hope alone might not be enough. It requires actions and processes that are not always easy to live. It requires courage, that kind of courage who knows that hope is not easy confidence that everything is going to be fine and also doesn’t let itself fall into the despair that there is nothing more we can do.
The result is an invitation to listen again to God’s voice, to contemplate creation, to let ourselves be touched by different experiences and realities, discern our small or big contributions and be prophets and apostles for the world today.
The Church encourages us to celebrate Laudato Si’ Week 2023 with the film “The Letter”. This global celebration will unite us to rejoice in the progress we have made along with others in bringing Laudato Si’ to life.
You are all invited to host a screening event in your communities, parishes, and missions.

Happy Laudato Si’ week!